



Planetary cycles of MAY 2024

Sun in Taurus until May 20th, in Gemini from May 21st to June 20th 2024,

Full Moon on May 23, 2024 at 3.55 pm in Sagittarius opposite the Sun in Gemini;

Mercury in Aries until May 15th, in Taurus from May 16th to June 3rd 2024;

Venus in Taurus until May 23, in Gemini from May 24 to June 17, 2024;

Mars in Pisces until May 1st, in Aries from May 2nd to June 9th 2024;

Jupiter in Taurus in straight motion until May 25th, in Gemini in straight motion from May 26th to October 8th, in retrograde motion in Gemini from October 9th 2024 to February 3rd 2025, again always in Gemini in straight motion from February 4th to the 9th June 2025;

Saturn in Pisces moving straight until June 29, 2024;

Uranus in Taurus moving straight until September 1, 2024;

Neptune in Pisces moving straight until July 1, 2024;

Pluto in Aquarius in straight motion until May 2nd, retrograde in Aquarius from May 3rd to September 1st, retrograde and will return in Capricorn from September 2nd to October 11th, in Capricorn in straight motion from October 12th to November 19th, always in straight motion but returns to the aquarium from November 20th to May 4th 2024;

Lilith in Virgo until June 29, 2024;

According to the Chinese Horoscope we are in the sign of the Dragon until January 28, 2025

Mars enters your sign and you will finally calm down, avoid clashes both at home and at work, using diplomacy every now and then wouldn´t hurt. Be careful of those who always fly out of the nest to discover new emotions, they could end up locked out.

Last month with Jupiter in your sign, they tried to hit you in every way but they didn´t succeed completely. Remember that those who hit you from behind do not have the courage to do so in front. Take some time for yourself, even if it means asking for time off, you have given too much both at work and in the family, now you deserve some rest!

you are a little dejected, thoughtful and sometimes listless, at the end of the month Jupiter will enter your sign, please avoid behavior that is too out of line, a year is coming that will lead you to grow and transform your life, strength and courage.

if you are in a couple, learn to respect and make yourself respected, if you are single, ask yourself why, analyze carefully what led to the end of your relationships. Living as a couple is not easy but if you use your heart, compassion and true love, it is definitely easier. At work, you learn to be operational and follow procedures to the letter without doing your own thing!

Either you are a bully or you use your passive aggressive ways by faking fake friendships and likings. Learn to live peacefully without too many mental ruminations! Gossip is your mood, but by looking at other people´s homes you don´t see things happening in your own home! Take care of your loved ones, it´s time!

Are the others struggling? Do you build relationships, do others argue? You listen and evaluate. Thanks to your diplomatic way of doing things, you managed to overtake everything and everyone, even your competitors, but I repeat only because in the end you are the most skilled and astute. In love sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but please don´t fall into despising people you wanted to love instead!

Anxiety is always your traveling companion, but don´t worry, from the middle of the month you will be able to relax and breathe a sigh of relief. You are good and very often, you are the best, but all this costs a lot of effort. I recommend the game must be worth the candle, take care of yourselves and ask for help if you can´t do everything!

The Eagles are doing very well and are flying high and will have improvements and great satisfaction. The snakes are crawling ever deeper into the depths of gossip, they stab people in the back, they elbow their way to have 2 minutes of glory, but they are ephemeral joys that will lead you to bang your head against the wall of evil that you have built!

Less controversy and more joy, you are the sign linked to Jupiter, be jovial, find the smile you lost that day in the supermarket car park. Ask yourself if you are where you would like to be, work to find your smile again, both at work and in love.

Stop having this heavy air as if the evils of the world had only happened to you, the events we face are only the fruit of the choices of our actions. So admit it, move forward, removing this funeral look from your face. Spring is here and you didn´t even notice because you were too busy mumbling. For those who have understood that life is a continuous challenge to improve ourselves, things are going great and will get even better!

You have made great strides, you have faced your fears, that annoying colleague, that embarrassing situation, gossip and you tripped and you managed to overcome everything brilliantly. Now it´s time to think about the future and for those who are single about a new love, I´ve been telling you this for a long time, but now it´s really time!

After a long passage of Mars in your sign from May you will finally be free and will be able to resume your life where you left off. Forget about those who flattered you in front while stabbing you in the back, they will eliminate themselves. Now you will have to make up for lost time and dedicate yourself to your success, even in love, it´s no longer time to hesitate, it´s time to act!

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Planetary cycles of April 2024

Sun in Aries until April 19th, in Taurus from April 20th to May 20th 2024,

Full Moon on April 24, 2024 at 01.51 am in Scorpio opposite the Sun in Taurus;

Mercury in Aries until May 15, 2024; Venus in Pisces until April 5, in Aries from April 6 to April 29, in Taurus from April 30 to May 23, 2024;

Mars in Pisces from March 23 to May 1, 2024;

Jupiter in Taurus moving straight until May 25, 2024;

Saturn in Pisces moving straight until June 29, 2024;

Uranus in Taurus moving straight until September 1, 2024;

Neptune in Pisces moving straight until July 1, 2024;

Pluto in Aquarius moving straight until May 2, 2024;

Lilith in Virgo until June 29, 2024;

According to the Chinese Horoscope we are in the sign of the Dragon until January 28, 2025

In work you are getting your job done, amid heavy colleagues and despotic superiors. You have to be patient, from the end of the month with Mars in your sign you will find your usual determination and be able to make up for lost time, but for the moment bear with it without causing too much drama or creating enmity.
In love you are in a somewhat uncomfortable position, you are stuck in a limbo not through your fault but through an indecisive partner and increasingly between irascible and depressed, it´s time to choose to stop waiting for changes from others that won´t happen never. You change your life, but for the better!

At work, after a heavy March, April begins again sleepily, don´t fall into sadness and start fighting again, you are warriors, never forget it, success can only come if you really want it!
In love your body is at home, but your heart and mind are elsewhere, you are not happy but you don´t want to admit it, fleeting moments of happiness will no longer be enough for you, soon you will realize it and you will look for something more lasting.

At work, April is the last month before Jupiter arrives in your sign, hold on and start planning your revenge, roll up your sleeves and you will achieve great results.
In love, if it were up to you, the situation would be quite peaceful, but your family is always very, very demanding, let them walk on their own two feet without always acting like a nanny and everyone else. Take some time for yourself, it´s time!

At work you decide to invest in training to grow professionally, this is the moment to make a change in your life, avoid controversies with envious and pedantic colleagues. In love it´s time to get serious and make a change to start a family or enlarge it, weddings, births, engagements, spring will open you to a new chapter in your life.

At work, learn to be serious without boasting and head-butting, a serious and linear behavior would help you in your career, get your act together and achieve your goals. In love you don´t even know what you want, you find yourself in faded relationships more out of habit and convenience than out of true love, you should learn to be alone, so as not to have to be with anyone!

At work you provoke, you transgress, you want to be a rebel in the name of who knows what high ideal then instead you disrespect your colleagues to spite your superiors, just because your back is covered, be ashamed and get down from the pedestal where you have placed yourself alone and learn respect and education!
In love there are those who understand that they have a nice steak at home and don´t look around for burgers. There are those who are always looking for new emotions and will soon get burned!

At work the situation is quite calm apart from the usual suspects who do everything they can to bother you, don´t worry. For the depressed people who are never happy, be grateful for having a job and a new opportunity, there are those who don´t have your luck and don´t complain like you always do!
In love Are you happy in love? Aren´t you happy? Stop at least to ask yourself why, at least to ask yourself what would truly make you happy.

At work, be careful to trust new colleagues who seem very nice and nice, don´t tell too much about yourself and try to understand what you´re really dealing with.
In love it is right to please your partner, but without becoming a doormat, don´t always sacrifice yourself, love must be a two-way street, not a one-way street.

In work between ups and downs, everything is going well, if you are considering a change, from the end of May 2024 you will be able to take it into consideration, try to tolerate provocations and trips.
In love, if you are still interested in love but the real one that makes you daydream, not the one that doesn´t let you sleep and torments you, then it´s time to make yourself respected and say out loud: I want to be happy!

At work, continue to work hard and put one brick after another to build your bright future. Don´t be discouraged by critical and envious people, after all, envious people criticize those who are better than them!
In love, think about living life as it comes without too much paranoia and without too much drama, take what makes you feel good and leave what gives you pain, live today, tomorrow we´ll see!

At work, a lot of work but also a lot of expenses, April should be calmer, don´t be demoralized, you are building a solid and concrete career with a lot of sacrifice. Try to be more detached and cold, don´t get emotionally involved, work is work, it must be taken with due emotional detachment and with the right mental clarity.
In love, are you also dedicating yourself to your emotional life as well as your working life? I hope so, work is important but going out and socializing is also essential, come out of hibernation, winter is over dear teddy bears!

At work, try to better analyze your work situation, especially your relationships with colleagues and subordinates. Don´t trust bootlickers but listen to all the bells and whistles. There are many things that you ignore, you don´t think you know everything, there are those who are working in the shadows to turn against you, you have snakes in your heart that you need to eliminate.
In love you complain that you are not happy in love then you treat your partners as if they were part of the furniture or even worse as ornaments, stop treating people like objects, be sweeter and more understanding, put yourself in your partner´s shoes every now and then.
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March 2024 planetary cycles

Sun in Pisces from 20 February to 20 March, in Aries from 21 March to 19 April 2024,
Full Moon on March 25, 2024 at 08.01 in Libra opposite the Sun in Aries;
Mercury in Pisces until March 10, in Aries from March 11 to May 15, 2024;
Venus in Aquarius until March 11, in Pisces from March 12 to April 5, 2024;
Mars in Aquarius from 14 February to 22 March, in Pisces from 23 March to 1 May 2024;
Jupiter in Taurus moving straight until May 25, 2024;
Saturn in Pisces moving straight until June 29, 2024;
Uranus in Taurus moving straight until September 1, 2024;
Neptune in Pisces moving straight until July 1, 2024;
Pluto in Aquarius until May 2, 2024; Lilith in Virgo until June 29, 2024;

According to the Chinese Horoscope we are in the sign of the Dragon until January 28, 2025

At work, the first days of the month will be used to understand whether you want to complete a project or leave the situation halfway through, try to stay focused on your objectives, not all bad things come with a silver lining. In love you are not yet ready to face important changes but something is awakening, you are too focused on work, but your love life is essential to complete the balance of a winning person.

At work, be careful of low blows and lying or double-dealing colleagues, try to collaborate with loyal people to create a serious team to deal with your problem together, as they say "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". This month will be very important to achieve a turning point at work, focus on your goals. In love it´s time to also focus on your love life, the many professional commitments have made you neglect the sentimental side, take care of your appearance, be nicer and kinder and above all relax, love can bring some worries but it is still the driving force of life, you are passionate, don´t forget your most hidden side that makes people love you so much.

At work everything seemed so simple, but instead everything turned out to be so complicated, perhaps you didn´t realize that you yourself are responsible for the behavior of others. If you want correctness you will have to be correct, news for those who are looking for work or career advancement, Jupiter is approaching and will bring you some good news. In love you are in a moment of great tension, don´t let yourself be manipulated and above all don´t put yourself in situations of conflict, stay calm and serene, even the darkest night ends and the day arrives, and in the light of the sun things can be seen and faced otherwise.

You are stabilizing at work, after 20 years of opposition from Saturn it is now as if you have freed yourself from a large boulder on your head, but not everyone appreciates freedom, because they do not understand the responsibilities. In love you have entered a new phase of your life where you will have to understand what to keep and what to give up, but above all you will have to mature, you can no longer play at being spoiled children who throw tantrums, being in a couple and truly loving means trying to understand and address problems together.

LEO At work you will be asked to be flexible and available, be flexible, the more you broaden your skills and your CV, the more you will be requested and consequently appreciated and above all well paid. In love, are you sure you want to continue chasing those who don´t appreciate your love? It´s time to let go of those who don´t understand your generous and altruistic gestures, mistaking your generosity for weakness.

Don´t push yourself too hard at work, if you think you´re repeating the mistakes of the past by taking advantage of kind people, taking advantage of their magnanimity, you are very wrong, you will soon realize that the moment of magic tricks is over, Saturn in opposition and Jupiter soon in quadrature they will soon put you back in line, be correct and loyal. In love, stop looking for the perfect partner, you are not that perfect either, come back down to earth and try to understand that in love you have to put in the same commitment and tenacity that you use in work, if you really want to achieve different results and especially wonderful.

In the workplace there are those who are exaggerating with delusions of omnipotence by making money at the expense of others, those who talk about projects without ever realizing them and those who are fighting and discovering the lies of their enemies, bringing to light many secrets... Beware of the snakes in your bosom! In love, in all your relationships you have tried to make your relationship work as best as possible, but now you will know what you really want, you will no longer want to feel bad or live on a roller coaster, go calmly, to understand well who you are investing your time with .

In love you always nitpick others when you don´t see your wig in the room soup, I wish you five minutes of intelligence to understand that in love you have to give to those who give to you, not chase difficult and unattainable prey. Happiness is a lifestyle, those who aren´t have chosen not to be. You are very precise and meticulous in your work, often it´s just a lot of smoke and little fire, try to be less fussy by optimizing your time.

At work, try not to accept provocations for a quiet life, when you have taken the plunge, you will finally remove the pebbles from your shoe but until then, please try to use caution and look around with circumspection. In love a shy sun is appearing in your life, you will smile again, you will love again, but this time in a mature and responsible way, don´t run too fast, love is patient and patience is the virtue of the strong.

At work you have recovered greatly, every obstacle that has come your way, you have resolved brilliantly. Job offers will multiply and you will finally be able to achieve goals you have dreamed of for a long time. In love, take care of yourself, both aesthetically and physically, look only for the best and think that the best is yet to come, love is a wonderful thing, live it with awareness, letting go of the ghosts of the past.
AQUARIUS At work you don´t lack work, but neither do you lack thoughts and related problems, learn to make yourself respected and I dare say also not to be ashamed if you are the best. Make yourself pay for the qualities you have and try not to be irritated by annoying people like mosquitoes, be superior, you are very good and you are worth a lot. In love this month will be the prelude to your amorous happiness, go out, have fun, be carefree and open yourself up to new acquaintances if you are single, spring will bring you a breath of fresh air.

At work, you are very busy, but above all you are in a phase of exponential growth. Learn to select people well and eliminate everything that is weighing you down, you are fish, you must swim free, you are not mussels clinging to a rock. In love, stop pretending not to understand that your fickle attitude only attracts bad guys, if you want a serious love story, you will have to look at the substance not the appearance.

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Planetary cycles of February 2024

Sun in Aquarius until February 19th, in Pisces from February 20th to March 20th 2024;

Full Moon on February 24, 2024 at 1.31 pm in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces;

Mercury in Capricorn until February 5, 2024, the Stop ring ends. In Aquarius from 6 February to 23 February, in Pisces from 24 February to 10 March 2024;

Venus in Capricorn until February 16, in Aquarius from February 17 to March 11, 2024;

Mars in Capricorn from 5 January to 13 February, in Aquarius from 14 February to 22 March 2024;

Jupiter in Taurus moving straight until May 25, 2024;

Saturn in Pisces moving straight until June 29, 2024;

Uranus in Taurus moving straight until September 1, 2024;

Neptune in Pisces moving straight until July 1, 2024;

Pluto again moving straight in Aquarius until May 2, 2024;

Lilith in Virgo until June 29, 2024;

According to the Chinese Horoscope we are in the sign of the Rabbit until February 9th, from February 10th 2024 we will pass into the sign of the Dragon until January 28th 2025!

At work you are trying everything to get out of the quagmire into which you have thrown yourself, you have finally evolved and will grow even more, because you will no longer be guided by pride, but by essential things. In love it´s time to cast off the moorings, no more safe harbors and warm seasons, you will have to set sail for new destinations, sometimes stormy, but certainly more engaging!

At work you are often obsessed more with competition than with money, I suggest you set achievable goals in small stages, so as not to get demoralized and not have yourself throw in the towel! In love, be simpler, and above all don´t complicate the lives of others, you have overcome many obstacles but this does not authorize you to make them burden others, live day by day being grateful for what comes and that you might not notice, because you have the habit of not stopping to enjoy the moment.

In love and at work, your main topic is money: how much money to buy something?, how much money to invest?, how much money to take?, how much does something yield? You know the price of everything and the value of nothing!.... But you don´t understand that the most important things in life are free and must be achieved with a lot of effort, sacrifice and tolerance. My advice is: try not to look for quantity but quality, you will get amazing results.

In love for the eternally undecided, it´s time to stop playing hide and seek, learn to give of yourself! Those who have been in a relationship for a long time must be more generous and tolerant, learn to give of yourself with more enthusiasm and generosity without keeping your foot in two shoes; At work, don´t overdo it with stress and anger, at least until the first half of the month, the second half will be more flowing and dynamic.

At work, the good ones continue to advance, the traffickers will soon be faced with their atrocities and will pay for everything with interest. In love for the generous and sweet ones, it is time to look for those who deserve you and stop giving pearls to pigs! Then there are those who exploit everything and everyone, those will find the doors closed and their house of cards will collapse once and for all!

In love, after so many disappointments you are a little bitter, don´t blame yourself, take everything, there is a world outside that awaits you, it doesn´t matter how old you are, learn to make yourself respected! You are good at work but let us help you to be even better, excel and shine, don´t close yourself in your usual black-outs!

In the workplace there are those who are exaggerating with delusions of omnipotence by making money at the expense of others, those who talk about projects without ever realizing them and those who are fighting and discovering the lies of their enemies, bringing to light many secrets... Beware of the snakes in your bosom! In love, stop offending or being offended by silly things, be more mature and tolerant!

In love you do all kinds of things then when they dump you you act as snoops with fake profiles, spying on your exes! examine your conscience, stop playing victims, when you are only executioners. For the good ones, get a move on and be less closed and inert. At work they caught you with your hands in the cookie jar and you deny the evidence, the showdown has now arrived. For the good ones, look around and fly high!

In work, small satisfactions that will gradually become bigger and bigger, don´t give up and assert yourself. In love for the usual couples, rekindle the flame or at least the candle for a miracle... For singles, polish yourself up and go out, you are a rare and precious commodity, work on your self-esteem, you are worth much more than you think!

Work, after a fiery January in which you fought tooth and nail you will finally feel ready to make the leap in quality. Pluto has left your sign and has freed you of many burdens, there Try to treasure your experiences! In love and family many of you have gone through mourning, sorrow and suffering, but now you are finally free to live your life as you want, walk towards your future without looking back!

At work, stay focused on your objectives, avoid polemical and gossipy people, who are often the work of envious people, don´t bandage your head before you break it and solve the problems one at a time, this is the formula for winning every battle you face brilliantly . In love, something has changed since the middle of the month, but please put good will into it, no more mistrust, try to give yourself an opportunity to live your love life to the full, looking for people similar to you with the same passions and dreams!

At work, many have changed jobs or working positions, please, continue to work hard and sow productive and uplifting collaborations, you were born for something great, but you will have to fight tooth and nail, don´t be afraid, you will prevail! In love, either get serious or change partners, it´s time to put your love life in order, don´t be afraid the perfect partner doesn´t exist, because you too are not that perfect, but there are people who love each other and build beautiful things, just with true love you can build wonderful things!

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Planetary cycles of January 2024

Sun in Capricorn until January 20th, in Aquarius from January 21st until February 19th 2024,
Full Moon on January 25, 2024 at 6.55 pm in Leo opposite the Sun in Aquarius; Mercury in Sagittarius in retrograde motion until 1 January 2024, from 2 January 2024 in straight motion in Sagittarius until 14 January, from 15 January again in Capricorn until 5 February 2024 the Stop ring ends;
Venus in Sagittarius until January 23, in Capricorn from January 24 to February 16, 2024;
Mars in Sagittarius until January 4th, in Capricorn from January 5th to February 13th 2024;
Jupiter in Taurus moving straight until May 25, 2024;
Saturn in Pisces moving straight until June 29, 2024;
Uranus in Taurus in retrograde motion until January 27, in straight motion from January 28 to September 1, 2024;
Neptune in Pisces moving straight until July 1, 2024;
Pluto in Capricorn moving straight until January 21, again moving straight in Aquarius from January 22 until May 2, 2024;
Lilith in Virgo until June 29, 2024;

According to the Chinese Horoscope we are in the sign of the Rabbit until 9 February 2024, in the sign of the Dragon until 28 January 2025

you have gone through this 2023 dotted with lots of turbulence, both in love and at work. Many issues have come to light from your turbulent past, now little by little you will be able to put things back in order, especially at work, which will be challenging until January 21, 2024, after which, you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and get back on track, come on and courage!

TAURUS Now that your life is slowly becoming simpler, it´s you who is getting tangled up. Don´t put the cart before the horse, don´t rush to make changes either at work or in love. Learn to take your space and make yourself respected, without shouting or making a scene, please never lose your elegance even when you would like to tell everyone to go to hell! The worst is over, Jupiter is in your sign moving straight and will help you find some balance. From January 22, 2024 a new chapter in your life begins, you will have to let go of your bad habits if you want to fly towards new shores!

In love and at work, after a year lived with ups and downs, arguments, misunderstandings, spite and reconciliation, it´s time you found some balance. I´m not saying you should distort yourselves, but at least don´t make a lot of noise about nothing. From January 22nd Pluto in trine will take you back on the right path, please don´t do your usual thing and throw everything away!

you are very good and precise at work, you always manage to come out on top sometimes with your tricks of prestige but let´s say it´s your trademark! In love I know that you would like to make yourself useful, above all to no longer see your partner worried and sulking, but remember that you can only help those who want to be helped, saving from trouble those who have made problems a lifestyle is an impossible task, it is more easy to change partners, than to change the kamikaze character of your partner!

In work and in love, be careful not to push the envelope too much with games, provocations, creating feelings of guilt or even worse, by turning the omelette over, you could break the eggs prematurely causing them to fall to the ground, leaving you with an empty stomach! From January 22nd, 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius in opposition begin, change your lifestyle and learn to respect and make yourself respected but this time with elegance and education!

you are at an important turning point, you have got back into the game and have taken a very challenging path, which will bring you great satisfaction, try to make a strategic plan to establish your priorities. Your work and professional growth goals, courses, updates come first, commit seriously and you will achieve great results! In love, try not to take people for granted and learn to listen to the needs of others!

At work you pushed yourself a little too hard, above all, you put yourself in a situation bigger than yourself, as usual you think you can solve everything with big speeches full of hot air. I´m sorry but things are not going as you had planned and if you don´t take action by seeking peace and collaboration, you will risk losing everything so as not to take a step back! He who wants nothing too much squeezes! In love, try to raise the target of your acquaintances so as not to fall into trash, the world is beautiful because it is varied, not because it is damaged!

Scorpios are good, they have understood what to keep and what to give up and above all they are trying not to carry around any more useless ballast! For the smart ones, the showdown has just begun, from now on it will all be bitter cabbage, especially for those who told lies, did the trafficking, for those who thought they were manipulating
everything and everyone without ever paying: mistakes, wickedness, deception! From January 22nd you will reap what you have sown! Who Seeds wind shall harvest storm!
at work you are almost out of all the problems of the last 4 years, little by little you are rebuilding your life on new foundations, you like to get involved, but this time you want to do it on solid foundations without any more problems created by unexpected events and problematic people! In love The times of puzzles and enigmatic people are over, now you only want to play with your cards exposed!

for good Capricorns, you have finally managed to create a satisfying and continuous business and work turnover! For the usual smart guys, be careful not to get into trouble, sort out all the fiscal, bureaucratic and economic issues! Love, but above all family always create problems that make you uncomfortable and embarrassed! Stop letting yourself be dragged into situations that no longer belong to you, have the courage to take matters into your own hands and escape with elegance without arguing with anyone!

At work you have noticed that those who do it themselves do things for 3! In the end you are there for everyone, but when it comes to solving your problems you are always alone, strangers help you more than your family, it doesn´t matter, all this has made you strong and independent, from the end of January you will understand which make changes in your life! In love you are a little undecided whether to open yourself up to love again or not, but then in the end you will find the right dress that fits you perfectly, you don´t have to change yourself, nor change others, true love is accepting the more for what it is!

You are at a turning point in your work, don´t give up now, the situation will become more and more stimulating, interesting proposals will rain in, just try to distinguish the right ones from the far-fetched ones! In love you have a special characteristic, you never let yourself be chosen, but you choose who to love, sometimes it´s a difficult love to conquer but you like it that way! If he doesn´t make your heart beat, he really isn´t the right person... Let yourself be pampered and don´t be afraid to show your fragility, those who love you will accept you for who you are: clean, delicate, dreamers and idealists!

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